Ontario Sustainable Construction Resource Centre (OSCAR)
Commercial Sector
October 2010
Sustainable Construction Green Building Training and
Resource Centre
Industry and Toronto Construction Association
The Ontario Sustainable Construction Resource Centre (OSCAR) research was launched in December 2007 in response to regional studies, conferences, surveys and workshops that identified the need for an integrated service centre (or “first-stop-shop”) to access information and services related to green, sustainable building practices.
OSCAR is a not-for-profit organization which was founded to advance economic prosperity and human wellbeing in Ontario by driving market demand for sustainable building products and practices across every aspect of the built environment. The Centre is a meeting place where industry, trades, builders, contractors, developers and professionals, building owners, government representatives, and members of the general public – can learn about the six P’s of sustainable building by accessing a wide variety of tools, training, demonstrations and information resources.
The Six P’s include:
Products: (Developing and Promoting Innovation)
Practices: (Partnerships and Networking)
Projects: (Implementation and Demonstration Showcase)
Policies: (Regulation and Performance Measurement)
Performance: (Standard for Lifecycle of Products)
Service Provider: (Recognition, Education, Training, Consulting)
The approach is to develop and disseminate high-quality, objective advice and information on green building matters—practices, standards, research, design, products--to the growing number of dedicated service providers throughout Ontario.
The goal was to provide multi-use facility for programming, workshop development, demonstration and teaching methods to meet the rising demand for sustainable construction material, low carbon products, cleantech techniques and energy conservation in Ontario, Canada and Internationally.

A destination for inspiration, advice and practical problem-solving around sustainable building best practices.